Elia Locardi for Wacom

For Elia Locardi, the heart of his photography is about capturing beautiful locations at their most extraordinary moments. As a full-time location-independent travel photographer, he journeys to the ends of the earth to scout out some of the more iconic destinations as well as bring attention to new ones. While getting there is a logistic challenge in and of itself, part of his recipe for a successful photograph involves spending time living in and experiencing these novel environments. Eschewing the typical fast-paced get-the-shot-and-move-on shooting style allows him to get a deeper sense of his subject and its context. As he puts it, “having that emotional connection to the location helps me translate those emotions into my work.”

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Samuel Vartan

Samuel Vartan didn’t look for fashion.

Fashion found him.

Samuel Vartan was born in Athens, Greece. A few years later, his family moved to Beirut, Lebanon and finally to Montreal, Canada where he has lived for most of his life before coming to the United States in 2003. Having studied film and communications in college, Vartan did not set his sights on fashion at first. Continue reading “Samuel Vartan”