PMG Can Help You Chase Off the Revenue Cycle Management Boogieman
Helping You Safeguard Your Organization
Many CHC’s like yours are running away from the revenue cycle boogieman.
The good news is that you can conquer that monster with our help.
We’ll take a look under the bed and scare him away forever!
Silly references aside, at PMG, we grasp the complexities of managing a revenue cycle and we understand your concerns. You may feel haunted by legality issues, federal investigations, shaky billing practices, filing claims accurately, and many other complicated issues. Dealing with coding, billing, EDI, IDC-10, ANSI files, NPI status, and the like can be a frightening ordeal, but we are here to help.
We’ve got the tools and we’ve got the talent to make things right.
PMG can give you objective assessments and the right tools to make that revenue cycle boogieman go away for good, giving you some much needed peace of mind and, most importantly, a healthier bottom line.
 PMG’s Revenue Cycle Assessment: The First Step to Taking Control
We are the national leader in all things related to the CHC revenue cycle. The first step to taking control is allowing us to visit you for a few days to perform a Revue Cycle Assessment (RCA). A RCA helps us make sure that your organization is compliant with CHC specific governmental and commercial payer regulations.
Part of our visit will also help you determine how many staff members you need and provide you with production benchmarks to help monitor their success.
PMG will interview essential staff members to help garner unique insights about the inner workings of your CHC. The information we collect will then be wrapped up into a very digestible summary of your data, providing you with valuable performance indicators so that you can track your progress toward a healthy revenue cycle.
Since our assessments and detailed reports are written from an objective standpoint, we come to help you find out the truth so that you can build on your strengths and avoid your pitfalls—chasing that boogieman far, far away.
Components of a RCA
- SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats)
- KPI Analytics
- Blended Encounter Rate by Payer
- Accounts Receivable (Net AR, Days of AR, AR with & without self pay)
- Payment Percentage by Major Payer
PMG’s Billing Team Assessment will:
- Reveal how many FTEs are needed on staff
- Determine staffing costs
- Provide productivity measures
- Assess your staff’s understanding of CHC centric terms
We gather all of this information and recommend steps for improvement so that you can go back to focusing on what matters to you most: your patients!
Reach out today and never worry about the Revenue Cycle Boogieman Again! We can beat that beast together!